Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources which, have alternative uses. Knowledge has been understand to be a scarce resource with alternative uses as well as a element of culture that will influence the strength of a people's politics.
I was once told as a intern fresh out of college that men are not paid for what they know, we are paid for what we do with what we know. In the examples given in the Theory of Change we begin to understand that knowledge is the underlining factor that creates system shifts. Knowing what the end goal is and being able to reverse engineer these desired results towards achievement. This is called integrated thinking and this the goal of our information platform.
When I consider our journey through the Moringa economy, knowledge pays the best interest. I have learned the value of producing a consistent production capacity as a way to scale and bring more value to our community. I have also noticed the economic disparity within the agricultural production terrain in the U.S. which gives a competitive advantage to certain groups over others.
To create a heightened level of efficiency in California's Moringa economy, one would have to collaborate with other farmers in the industry to develop a rate of productivity comparable with the overseas market, if possible. The rate that inputs are converted to outputs in Ghana in relation to Moringa trumps California's capacity to produce products to meet consumer needs.
Recently James Brady, a comrade of mine visited Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and gained insight into the sheer volume of goods and services able to be produced through this institution under the leadership of Dr. Newton. Over the last decade Dr. Newton has been able to develop a systematic study of the alternative uses of Moringa, its cause and effects within the economy and its ability to pull a people out of poverty to prosperity.
Our knowledge about Moringa prices and markets will help us manage the consequences of our economic decisions moving forward. Our intentions will mean less than our ability to bring a holistic model of cooperation into being while coordinating activities through the Moringa economy. Being that there is no one at the top of the Moringa supply chain, only the prices can control the movement of products. These prices will coordinate the economic activities automatically, when not directed by political leaders. For example in Brazil political leaders have surpassed the movement of Moringa for human consumption to the demise of the potential economic growth it could have effected.
Producing a efficient production capacity for Moringa, will by cause and effect lead to economic growth, on a local and national level. Whether this will be a reflection on a free market or a centrally planned economy will be a by product of land sovereignty and food justice both merely buzz words until put into action. A constructive collaboration amongst Moringa producers of all capacities will invite a harmony to the prices that producers are willing to pay knowing that these prices will ultimately be the prices other producers are forced to pay.
Moringa's alternative uses are not limited to it being a good source of thiocyanate, a natural antioxidant produced naturally in plants. Moringa produces this molecule as a way to prevent insects from eating it. After consumption this molecule, thiocyanate can then be used by our bodies immune system to prevent infections from bacteria and viruses. As far as Moringa's suppression in Brazil, these incremental trade offs were not interpreted as a solution for Big Pharma corporate needs, in a competitive sense.